《《8叉8叉》英文中字-全集完整版播放-开宇影视》视频说明:彻底的死了面对这些猜测二嫂笑了但这次她的笑容中多了几分感慨"你们啊"她缓缓说道"总是想着物质条件可你们知道吗当年怀远来找我的时候只带了3000块钱"And of course, for the younger workers, teaching them new skills and adapting. So there really is a, there's a life cycle, you know, when you, you know, in Illinois, many years ago, there was a cell phones company that was coming in with new technology. And they made the implementation of this technology very, very weak in the sense that they were going to have new technology to replace secretaries. So now everybody was going to use a word processor. So then people were given the option, you know, do you want to learn to use the new word processor or do you want to retire? Well, as you might expect, the older people retired, the younger people learned and somewhere up and down the line, more able people stayed on the job, less able people retired and so forth. And so there is going to be an adjustment and that's, we have to account for the adjustment. That's what we should think about is the adjustment. It's not a permanent condition. I think the whole pie is going to expand. We're going to have more opportunities, not less.
2024-10-31 19:48:25